Review Your Will If You Are Getting Divorced
15 Sep, 2022 . 2 min read

Review Your Will If You Are Getting Divorced

It is very important to review your Will at the key stages of your life, such as marriage, the birth of your children, divorce, death of any beneficiary etc. Since divorce changes a lot of things in a person’s life, especially their relationships and priorities. In this blog, we’ll discuss the effects of divorce on your Will and various scenarios that could occur and how you can take care of all of them.

Scenario 1

If you have received the decree and your divorce is finalized, then that will have a direct effect on your Will as well i.e. your ex-spouse will be eliminated with the absolute effect of your divorce decree and the rest of the beneficiaries will remain the same and valid until and unless you amend it.

Scenario 2

Until your divorce is finalized, your partner is considered your spouse even if you were judicially separated or on how bad terms you ended your relationship. And if you haven’t reviewed and amended your Will, they will have their share in your property if you have named them as one of the beneficiaries in your Will.

Scenario 3

Adding to the above scenario, if before your divorce, you start seeing someone or living with them and you haven’t amended your Will, your new partner will not get any share in your property but your ex-partner will still benefit from your Will.

40% of civil litigation in courts comprises share in the property by the people who filed for divorce but their partner died during the process. And many years pass by of this conflict in the court if you would not take the right step at the right time.

It also affects the guardianship of your minor children and gets affected by many factors and circumstances. We’ll take this discussion forward in our next blog, until then, review your Will if you have filed a divorce petition and get your Will amended at AasaanWill.Zaroori Hai!

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