LIFE IS UNCERTAIN!- The Destructive Habit Of Making Excuses
30 Jun, 2022 . undefined min read

LIFE IS UNCERTAIN!- The Destructive Habit Of Making Excuses

When it comes to your own future, making excuses is a habit that is limiting your ability to meet your full potential but when it comes to the future of your loved ones, then making excuses is a habit, a risk that is not worth taking because that will cost your loved ones lakhs of rupees and years of peace!

You didn’t guess it yet, right? We are talking about estate planning aka asset management. Every person has to take on family responsibilities. One day you were carefree, but today you’re responsible. So why didn’t you have an estate plan ready? Why didn’t you make your Will yet?

Let us tell you, because you have your EXCUSES ready!

#Excuse 1: Everyone in my family knows what will they get.

#Excuse 2: I will leave a letter in the drawer, dividing up all my assets.

#Excuse 3: I don’t have much, so the children will decide and divide, however they want.

#Excuse 4: I already told my elder child about how to divide my assets after my death.

And there are countless other excuses. But now, know that verbal promises have always left family members at the doorstep of the court indulging in expensive and years of litigation.

If you write a Will today, you have not only saved your money but also your family’s money and relations. It ensures that you get the control to carry your wishes as per your choice. Even if you don’t own much today except your bank account and financial investments, it is worth writing a Will because LIFE IS UNCERTAIN! And your family needs your financial help, especially in your absence.

So get rid of these excuses and become a responsible member of your family today. Write your Will with AasaanWill. Zaroori Hai!

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