Are You Passionate About Mountaineering?- Make Sure To Write A Will Before You Leave This Time
25 Oct, 2022 . 3 min read

Are You Passionate About Mountaineering?- Make Sure To Write A Will Before You Leave This Time

Mountaineering is a passion that many people are adopting. It’s not your regular camping and trekking. It requires prior training and knowing all the technical things which involve life-threatening risks. Trekking is more of a leisure and pleasure activity.

The hardcore passionate people about mountaineering often say that reaching the top of the summit shouldn’t be your primary goal instead the journey and one’s safety should be because you learn a lot about yourself, you introspect a lot because finally you’re away from all distractions and now more focused because you have an end goal and you are surrounded by a lot of positive energies. You feel different and become a changed person with more evolved thoughts when you return.

Mountaineering involves a lot of preparation not only physically but also mentally. You need to carry a lot of things for safety purposes and keep a lot of things in mind like what kind of diet to intake, medication, hydration, sleeping patterns and most importantly the symptoms of altitude sickness. It’s not an activity of a few days but of weeks and months. 

There are trainers who train you for your well-being so that you return safely but when you take this sport and adventure you should be very aware of the high risk involved therein. It is a fact that many people don’t make a comeback or return with deteriorated health. 

When you have a family to feed and take care of, you can’t do it with the only self-thought of going for it and not thinking about others. You should have a Plan B for your family in case anything unfortunate happens to you during your journey which is your Plan A. 

Finance is such an essential and crucial matter that you should definitely think about. You should admit that what you are going to do in the upcoming months can result in tragedy anytime and you may not be there for your family in your presence where you can take care of everything. But your actions and right decisions will help them forever. 

4 things to do before you go mountaineering this time;

1. Write a Will

Will is one easy way to have your financial continuity plan. It’s that financial decision that will take care of your family in continuity, incase of your death. Having a Will in place really helps your family with being able to access your assets and use them according to their needs. In a Will, you can give everyone your share.

2. Mention important details in your Will

If you mention all possible details about your assets in your Will, it is easy for your beneficiaries to locate them otherwise the hustle is the same. Eg. even if you don’t wish to mention the amount in your bank account, make sure to mention the branch so it’s easy for them to claim.

3. Appoint a nominee wherever possible:

In assets like bank accounts, mutual funds, insurance policies, Demat accounts, cryptos etc. make sure to appoint a nominee and inform that person, it’s easy to claim if a nominee is there otherwise it will involve long court procedures.

4. Inform about it to a trusted person

Make sure, before leaving for mountaineering this time, you inform about your Will document and where it is kept safely to a trusted person, generally this person should be your executor so that it comes into existence and could be of actual help to your family.

You can access our complete guide here which will help you in reaching important decisions about Will writing.

This decision is only precautionary in case something happens to you because taking care of your loved ones is an implied promise that you made. It’s a promise of FOREVER!

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